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"National Hug Your Dog Day: The Importance of Showing Affection to Your Furry Friend"

Have you hugged your dog today? Today, April 10, 2024 is National Hug Your Dog Day.

For all the joy, cuddles, comfort, and companionship that our furry friends give to us lets celebrate them today!

What do you do on National Hug Your Dog Day besides give them hugs? You can make them their favorite meal or make them something new and special. Maybe there is a special snack at your favorite Pet Bakery that they love or would like to try. Spoil them today!

Dogs, historically are pack animals which is why they don't always like being along. This is where the barking, chewing and howling come in. When you bring your Fur Baby home cut them a little slack until they find their personal space in your home. They bring so much joy to us. Give them an extra hug on National Hug Your Dog Day.

Dogs give us so much unconditional love. In many ways dogs serve humans by holding important jobs, including jobs that human is physically incapable of doing such as sniffing for bombs and drugs. The truth is that you just coming home is enough to make their day. For many dogs the mere mention of the word "walk" or reaching for their leash sets their heart a flutter. In our "human" world we look forward to our Birthdays, Christmas, and so many more holidays. For your fur baby it is you that gives them comfort and happiness. I always say that we get so much more out of the relationship than they do. What would a home and family be like without our Fur babies.

On National Give Your Dog A Hug there are many ways to celebrate your furry friend. You can take them for a walk. Here again, this can be a win win for both of you. At the end of a long day it doesn't hurt us to stretch our legs and get some fresh air and extra steps in. Your fur baby will love it. If a walk isn't an option how about the dog park. There they can meet new fur friends, you can sit on the bench and talk with other Pet Parents while the pups play.

On days like this it is a good opportunity to remember the folks that make your dog's life special You can't forget the dog walker, the house sitter, your veterinarian and the wonderful groomers. As with most things in life, we can't do it all ourselves. Let the folks who play an important role in the life of your Fur Baby let them know you appreciate them. It doesn't have to be expensive. A card, a gift card or a treat can truly show your appreciation for you dog's team that makes his/her life a little more special.

Check out the My 8 Paw Fur Boys Pet Bakery for a special treat for your Furry Friend. Use this code with your order Hugdog24

Post a picture of you and your dog on National Hug Your Dog Day.

Looking forward to seeing you and your pup pictures!

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Hi, thanks for joining us for our 8 Paw Fur Boys Bakery Grand Opening

We have a panel of in house taste testers who will share their favorite 8 Paw Fur Boy treats with you and your fur babies. We can't wait for your Fur Babies to try our treats.

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